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(51) International Patent Classification 6 
H04L 9/00 


(11) International Publication Number: WO 97/26733 

(43) International Publication Date: 24 July 1997 (24.07.97) 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/US97/00652 

(22) Internationa] Filing Date: 17 January 1997 (17.01.97) 

(30) Priority Data: 


17 January 1996 (17.01.96) 


(71) Applicant: THE DICE COMPANY [US/US]; Townhouse 4, 

20191 E. Country Club Drive, Avenrura, FL 33180 (US). 

(72) Inventors: COOPERMAN, Marc; 2929 Ramona, Palo Alto, 

CA 94306 (US). MOSKOWITZ, Scott, A.; Townhouse 4, 
20191 E. Country Club Drive, Avenrura. FL 33180 (US). 

(74) Agents: ALTM1LLER, John, C. el al.; Kenyon & Kenyon, 1025 
Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20036 (US). 

(81) Designated States: AL, AU, BA, BB, BG. BR, CA, CN, CU, 
CZ, EE, GE, HU, IL, IS, JP. KP, KR, LC, LK, LR, LT, LV, 
MG, MK, MN, MX, NO, NZ, PL, RO, SG, SI, SK, TR, TT, 
UA, UZ, VN, ARIPO patent (KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG), 
Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG. KZ, MD f RU, TJ, TM). 
European patent (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR t GB, 
GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, 
CF, CG, CI. CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD t TG). 


With international search report 

Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the 
claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of 


(57) Abstract 

A method for the human-assisted generation and application of pseudo-random keys for the purpose of encoding and decoding digital 
watermarks to and from a digitized data stream. A pseudo-random key and key application "envelope" are generated and stored using 
guideline parameters input by a human engineer interacting with a graphical representation of the digitized data stream. Key "envelope" 
information is permanently associated with the pseudo-random binary string comprising the key. Key and "envelope" information are then 
applied in a digital watermark system to the encoding and decoding of digital watermarks. 


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applications under the PCT. 




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WO 97/26733 




5 With the advent of computer networks and digital 

multimedia, protection of intellectual property has 
become a prime concern for creators and publishers of 
digitized copies of copyrightable works, such as musical 
recordings, movies, and video games. One method of 

0 protecting copyrights in the digital domain is to use 

"digital watermarks" . Digital watermarks can be used to 
mark each individual copy of a digitized work with 
information identifying the title, copyright holder, and 
even the licensed owner of a particular copy. The 

5 watermarks can also serve to allow for secured metering 
and support of other distribution systems of given media 
content and relevant information associated with them, 
including addresses, protocols, billing, pricing or 
distribution path parameters, among the many things that 

0 could constitute a "watermark." For further discussion 
of systems that are oriented around content -based 
addresses and directories, see U.S. Patent No. 5,428,606 
Moskowitz. When marked with licensing and ownership 
information, responsibility is created for individual 

> copies where before there was none. More information on 
digital watermarks is set forth in "Steganographic 
Method and Device" - The DICE Company, U.S. application 
Serial No. 08/4 89,172, the disclosure of which is hereby 
incorporated by reference. Also, "Technology: Digital 

WO 97/26733 PCT/US97/0O652 

Commerce", Denise Caruso, New York Times, August 7, 1995 
"Copyrighting in the Information Age", Harley Ungar, 
ONLINE MARKETPLACE, September 1995. Jupiter 
Communications further describe digital watermarks. 
5 Additional information on other methods for hiding 

information signals in content signals, is disclosed in 
U.S. Patent No. 5,319,735 - Preuss et al . and U.S. 
Patent No. 5,3 79,34 5 - Greenberg . 

Digital watermarks can be encoded with random or 
10 pseudo random keys, which act as secret maps for 

locating the watermarks. These keys make it impossible 
for a party without the key to find the watermark - in 
addition, the encoding method can be enhanced to force a 
party to cause damage to a watermarked data stream when 
15 trying to erase a random-key watermark. 

It is desirable to be able to specify limitations 
on the application of such random or pseudo random keys 
in encoding a watermark to minimize artifacts in the 
content signal while maximizing ■ encoding level. This 
preserves the quality of the content, while maximizing 
the security of the watermark. Security is maximized 
because erasing a watermark without a key results in the 
greatest amount of perceptible artifacts in the digital 
content, it is also desirable to separate the 
25 functionality of the decoder side of the process to 
provide fuller recognition and substantiation of the 
protection of goods that are essentially digitized bits, 
while ensuring the security of the encoder and the 
encoded content. It is also desirable that the separate 
decoder be incorporated into an agent, virus, search 
engine, or other autonomously operating or search 
function software. This would make it possible for 
parties possessing a decoder to verify the presence of 
valid watermarks in a data stream, without accessing the 
3 5 contents of the watermark, it would also be possible to 
scan or search archives for files containing watermarked 




WO 97/26733 


content, and to verify the validity of the presence of 
such files in an archive, by means of the information 
contained in the watermarks. This scenario has 
particular application in screening large archives of 
5 files kept by on-line services and internet archives. 
It is further a goal of such processes to bring as much 
control of copyrights and content, including its 
pricing, billing, and distribution, to the parties that 
are responsible for creating and administering that 
10 content. It is another goal of the invention to provide 
a method for encoding multiple watermarks into a digital 
work, where each watermark can be accessed by use of a 
separate key. This ability can be used to provide 
access to watermark information to various parties with 
15 different levels of access. It is another goal of the 
invention to provide a mechanism which allows for 
accommodation of alternative methods encoding and 
decoding watermarks from within the same software or 
hardware infrastructure. This ability can be used to 
2 0 provide upgrades to the watermark system, without 

breaking support for decoding watermarks created by 
previous versions of the system. It is another goal of 
the invention to provide a mechanism for the 
certification and authentication, via a trusted third 
party, and public forums, of the information placed in a 
digital watermark. This provides additional 
corroboration of the information contained in a decoded 
digital watermark for the purpose of its use in 
prosecution of copyright infringement cases.. It also 
has use in any situation in which a trusted third party 
verification is useful. It is another goal of this 
invention to provide an additional method for the 
synchronization of watermark decoding software to an 
embedded watermark signal, that is more robust than 
35 previously disclosed methods. 




WO 97/26733 



The invention described herein is a human-assisted 
random key generation and application system for use in 
a digital watermark system. The invention allows an 
5 engineer or other individual, with specialized knowledge 
regarding processing and perception of a particular 
content type, such as digital audio or video, to observe 
a graphical representation of a subject digital 
recording or data stream, in conjunction with its 
10 presentation (listening or viewing) and to provide input 
to the key generation system that establishes a key 
generation "envelope", which determines how the key is 
used to apply a digital watermark to the digital data 
stream. The envelope limits the parameters of either or 
15 both the key generation system and the watermark 

application system, providing a rough guide within which 
a random or pseudo random key may be automatically 
generated and applied. This can provide a good fit to 
the content, such that the key may be used to encode a 
20 digital watermark into the content in such a manner as 
to minimize or limit the perceptible artifacts produced 
in the watermarked copy, while maximizing the signal 
encoding level. The invention further provides for 
variations in creating, retrieving, monitoring and 
IS manipulating watermarks to create better and more 

flexible approaches to working with copyrights in the 
digital domain. 

Such a system is described herein and provides the 
user with a graphical representation of the content 
JO signal over time. In addition, it provides a way for 
the user to input constraints on the application of the 
digital watermark key, and provides a way to store this 
information with a random or pseudo random key sequence 
which is also generated to apply to a content signal. 
15 Such a system would also be more readily adaptable by 
current techniques to master content with personal 


WO 97/26733 


computers and authoring/editing software. It would also 
enable individuals to monitor their copyrights with 
decoders to authenticate individual purchases, filter 
possible problematic and unpaid copyrightable materials 
5 in archives, and provide for a more generally 

distributed approach to the monitoring and protection .of 
copyrights in the digital domain. 


10 Digital watermarks are created by encoding an 

information signal into a larger content signal. The 
information stream is integral with the content stream, 
creating a composite stream. The effectiveness and 
value of such watermarks are highest when the 

15 informational signal is difficult to remove, in the 
absence of the key, without causing perceptible 
artifacts in the content signal. The watermarked 
content signal itself should contain minimal or no 
perceptible artifacts of the information signal. To 

2 0 make a watermark virtually impossible to find without 

permissive use of the key, its encoding is dependent 
upon a randomly generated sequence of binary Is and 0s, 
which act as the authorization key. Whoever possesses 
this key can access the watermark. In effect, the key 
25 is a map describing where in the content signal the 
information signal is hidden. This represents an 
improvement over existing efforts to protect 
copyrightable material through hardware -based solutions 
always existing outside the actual content. 

3 0 "Antipiracy" devices are used in present applications 

like VCRs, cable television boxes, and digital audio 
tape (DAT) recorders, but are quite often disabled by 
those who have some knowledge of the location of the 
device or choose not to purchase hardware with these 
35 "additional security features." With digital 

watermarks, the "protection," or more accurately, the 


WO 97/26733 


deterrent, is hidden entirely in the signal, rather than 
a particular chip in the hardware. 

Given a completely random key, which is uniformly 
applied over a content signal, resulting artifacts in 
5 the watermarked content signal *are unpredictable, and 
depend on the interaction of the key and the content 
signal itself. One way to ensure minimization of 
artifacts is to use a low information signal level. 
However, this makes the watermark easier to erase, 
10 without causing audible artifacts in the content signal. 
This is a weakness. If the information signal level is 
boosted, there is the risk of generating audible 
artifacts . 

The nature of the content signal generally varies 
15 significantly over time. During some segments, the 

signal may lend itself to masking artifacts that would 
otherwise be caused by high level encoding. At other 
times, any encoding is likely to cause artifacts. In 
addition, it might be worthwhile to encode low signal 

2 0 level information in a particular frequency range which 

corresponds to important frequency components of the 
content signal in a given segment of the content signal . 
This would make it difficult to perform bandpass 
filtering on the content signal to remove watermarks. 
25 Given the benefits of such modifications to the 

application of the random key sequence in encoding a 
digital watermark, what is needed is a system which 
allows human-assisted key generation and application for 
digital watermarks. The term "human-assisted key 

3 0 generation" is used because in practice, the information 

describing how the random or pseudo random sequence key 
is to be applied must be stored with the key sequence. 
It is, in essence, part of the key itself, since the 
random or pseudo random sequence alone is not enough to 
3 5 encode, or possibly decode the watermark. 


WO 97/26733 


Encoding of digital watermarks into a content 
signal can be done in the time domain, by modifying 
content samples on a sample by sample basis, or in the 
frequency domain, by first performing a mathematical 
5 transform on a series of content samples in order to 
convert them into frequency domain information, 
subsequently modifying the frequency domain information 
with the watermark, and reverse transforming it back 
into time-based samples. The conversion between time 

10 and frequency domains can be accomplished by means of 
any of a class of mathematical transforms, known in 
general as "Fourier Transforms." There are various 
algorithmic implementations and optimizations in 
computer source code to enable computers to perform such 

15 transform calculations. The frequency domain method can 
be used to perform "spread spectrum" encoding 
implementations. Spread spectrum techniques are 
described in the prior art patents disclosed. Some of 
the shortcomings evident in these techniques relate to 

2 0 the fixed parameters for signal insertion in a sub 

audible level of the frequency-based domain, e.g,, U.S, 
Patent No. 5,319,735 Preuss et al . A straightforward 
randomization attack may be engaged to remove the signal 
by simply over- encoding random information continuously 

25 in all sub-bands of the spread spectrum signal band, 
which is fixed and well defined. Since the Preuss 
patent relies on masking effects to render the watermark 
signal, which is encoded at -15 dB relative to the 
carrier signal, inaudible, such a randomization attack 

30 will not result in audible artifacts in the carrier 

signal, or degradation of the content. More worrisome, 
the signal is not the original but a composite of an 
actual frequency in a known domain combined with another 
signal to create a "facsimile" or approximation, said to 

3 5 be imperceptible to a human observer, of the original 

copy. What results is the forced maintenance of one 


WO 97/26733 


original to compare against subsequent "suspect" copies 
for examination. Human-assisted watermarking would 
provide an improvement over the art by providing 
flexibility as to where information signals would be 
5 inserted into content while giving the content creator 
the ability to check all subsequent copies without the 
requirement of a single original or master copy for 
comparison. Thus the present invention provides for a 
system where all necessary information is contained 

10 within the watermark itself. 

Among other improvements over the art, generation 
of keys and encoding with human assistance would allow 
for a better match of a given informational signal (be 
it an ISRC code, an audio or voice file, serial number, 

15 or other "file" format) to the underlying content given 
differences in the make-up of the multitudes of forms of 
content (classical music, CD-ROM versions of the popular 
game DOOM, personal HTML Web pages, virtual reality 
simulations, etc.) and the ultimate wishes of the 

20 content creator or his agents. This translates into a 
better ability to maximize the watermark signal level, 
so as to force maximal damage to the content signal when 
there is an attempt to erase a watermark without the 
key. For instance, an engineer could select only the 

25 sections of a digital audio recording where there were 
high levels of distortion present in the original 
recording, while omitting those sections with relatively 
"pure" components from the watermark process. This then 
allows the engineer to encode the watermark at a 

30 relatively higher signal level in the selected sections 
without causing audible artifacts in the signal, since 
the changes to the signal caused by the watermark 
encoding will be masked by the distortion. A party 
wanting to erase the watermark has no idea, however, 

35 where or at what level a watermark is encoded, and so 
must choose to "erase" at the maximum level across the 


WO 97/26733 


entire data stream, to be sure they have obliterated 
every instance of a watermark. 

In the present invention, the input provided by the 
engineer is directly and immediately reflected in a 
5 graphical representation of content of that input, in a 
manner such that it is overlaid on a representation of 
the recorded signal. The key generation "envelope" 
described by the engineer can be dictated to vary 
dynamically over time, as the engineer chooses* The 

10 graphical representation of the content is typically 
rendered on a two dimensional computer screen, with a 
segment of the signal over time proceeding horizontally 
across the screen. The vertical axis is used to 
distinguish various frequency bands in the signal, while 

15 the cells described by the intersection of vertical and 
horizontal unit lines can signify relative amplitude 
values by either a brightness or a color value on the 

Another possible configuration and operation of the 

20 system would use a display mapping time on the 

horizontal axis versus signal amplitude on the vertical 
axis. This is particularly useful for digital audio 
signals. In this case, an engineer could indicate 
certain time segments, perhaps those containing a highly 

25 distorted signal, to be used for watermark encoding, 
while other segments, which contain relatively pure 
signals, concentrated in a few bandwidths, may be exempt 
from watermarking. The engineer using a time vs. 
amplitude assisted key generation configuration would 

3 0 generally not input frequency limiting information. 

In practice, the system might be used by an 
engineer or other user as follows: 

The engineer loads a file containing the digitized 
content stream to be watermarked onto a computer. The 

35 engineer runs the key generation application and opens 
the file to be watermarked. The application opens- a 


WO 97/26733 


window which contains a graphical representation of the 
digitized samples. Typically, for digital audio, the 
engineer would see a rectangular area with time on the 
horizontal axis, frequency bands on the vertical axis, 
and varying color or brightness signifying signal power 
at a particular time and frequency band. Each vertical 
slice of the rectangle represents the frequency 
components, and their respective amplitude, at a 
particular instant ("small increment") of time. 
Typically, the display also provides means for scrolling 
from one end of the stream to the other if it is too 
long to fit on the screen, and for zooming in or out 
magnification in time or frequency. For the engineer, 
this rectangular area acts as a canvas. Using a mouse 
and/or keyboard, the engineer can scroll through the 
signal slowly marking out time segments or frequency 
band minima and maxima which dictate where, at what 
frequencies, and at what encoding signal level a 
watermark signal is to be encoded into the content, 
given a random or pseudo random key sequence . The 
engineer may limit these marks to all, none or any of 
the types of information discussed above. When the 
engineer is finished annotating the content signal, he 
or she selects a key generation function. At this 
point, all the annotated information is saved in a 
record and a random or pseudo random key sequence is 
generated associated with other information. At some 
later point, this combined key record can be used to 
encode and/or decode a watermark into this signal, or 
additional instances of it. 

A suitable pseudo- random binary sequence for use as 
a key may be generated by: collecting some random timing 
information based on user keystrokes input to a keyboard 
device attached to the computer, performing a secure one 
way hash operation on this random timing data, using the 
results of the hash to seed a block cipher algorithm 

WO 97/26733 


loop, and then cycling the block cipher and collecting a 
sequence of Is and Os from the cipher's output, until a 
pseudo-random sequence of Is and Os of desired length is 
obtained . 

5 The key and its application information can then be 

saved together in a single database record within a 
database established for the purpose of archiving such 
information, and sorting and accessing it by particular 
criteria. This database should be encrypted with a - 

10 passphrase to prevent the theft of its contents from the 
storage medium. 

Another improvement in the invention is support for 
alternate encoding algorithm support. This can be 
accomplished for any function which relates to the 

15 encoding of the digital watermark by associating with 
the pseudo-random string of Is and Os comprising the 
pseudo-random key, a list of references to the 
appropriate functions for accomplishing the encoding. 
For a given function, these references can indicate a 

20 particular version of the function to use, or an 

entirely new one. The references can take the form of 
integer indexes which reference chunks of computer code, 
of alphanumeric strings which name such "code 
resources," or the memory address of the entry point of 

2 5 a piece of code already resident in computer memory. 

Such references are not, however, limited to the above 
examples. In the implementation of software, based on 
this and previous filings, each key contains associated 
references to functions identified as CODEC - basic . 

3 0 encode/decode algorithm which encodes and decodes bits 

of information directly to and from the content signal, 
MAP - a function which relates the bits of the key to 
the content stream, FILTER - a function which describes 
how to pre-filter the content signal, prior to encoding 
3 5 or decoding, CIPHER - a function which provides 

encryption and decryption services for information 


WO 97/26733 


contained in the watermark, and ERRCODE - a function 
which further encodes/decodes watermark information so 
that errors introduced into a watermark may be corrected 
after extraction from the content signal. 
5 Additionally, a new method of synchronizing decoder 

software to an embedded watermark is described. In a 
previous disclosure, a method whereby a marker sequence 
of N random bits was generated, and used to signal the 
start of an encoded watermark was described. When the 

10 decoder recognizes the N bit sequence, it knows it is 
synchronized. In that system the chance of a false 
positive synchronization was estimated at 1/(N*2) ("one 
over (N to the power of 2) ") . While that method is 
fairly reliable, it depends on the marker being encoded 

15 as part of the steganographic process, into the content 
stream. While errors in the encoded bits may be 
partially offset by error coding techniques, error 
coding the marker will require more computation and 
complexity in the system. It also does not completely 

20 eliminate the possibility that a randomization attack 
can succeed in destroying the marker. A new method is 
implemented in which the encoder pre-processes the 
digital sample stream, calculating where watermark 
information will be encoded. As it is doing this, it 

25 notes the starting position of each complete watermark, 
and records to a file, a sequence of N-bits representing 
sample information corresponding to the start of the 
watermark, for instance, the 3rd most significant bit of 
the 256 samples immediately preceding the start of a 

3 0 watermark. This would be a 256 bit marker. The order in 
which these markers are encountered is preserved, as it 
is important. The decoder then searches for matches. to 
these markers. It processes the markers from first to 
last, discarding each as it is found, or possibly not 

3 5 found within a certain scanning distance, and proceeding 
with the remaining markers . This method does not modify 


WO 97/26733 


the original signal with marker information and has the 
added benefit that high-significance sequences can be 
used, requiring that an attack based on randomizing 
markers do very obvious damage to the content stream. 
5 With multichannel encoding, both private and public 

keys, similar in use to those from public-key 
cryptosystems, could be provided for authentication by 
concerned third party vendors and consumers, as well as 
contribute to better management and protection of 
10 copyrights for the digital world that already exist in 
the physical world. For more information on public-key 
cryptosystems see US Pat No 4,200,770 Dif f ie-Hellman, 
4,218,582 Hellman, 4,405,829 RSA, 4,424,414 Hellman 
Pohlig. in addition, any number of key "designations" 
15 between "public" and "private" could be established, to 
provide various access privileges to different groups. 
Multi -channel watermarks are effected by encoding 
separate watermark certificates with separate keys by 
either interleaving windows in the time domain or by 
2 0 using separate frequency bands in the frequency domain. 
For instance, 3 separate watermarks could be encoded by 
using every third sample window processed to encode a 
corresponding certificate. Alternatively, complete 
watermarks could be interleaved. Similarly, the 
25 frequency range of an audio recording might be 

partitioned into 3 sub- ranges for such a purpose. Use 
of multi -channel watermarks would allow groups with 
varying access privileges to access watermark 
information in a given content signal. The methods of 
30 multichannel encoding would further provide for more 

holographic and inexpensive maintenance of copyrights by 
parties that have differing levels of access priority as 
decided by the ultimate owner or publisher of the 
underlying content . Some watermarks could even play 
35 significant roles in adhering to given filtering (for 
example, content that is not intended for all 


WO 97/26733 


observers) , distribution, and even pricing schemes for 
given pieces of content. Further, on-the-fly 
watermarking could enhance identification of pieces of 
content that are traded between a number of parties or 
5 in a number of levels of distribution. Previously 
discussed patents by Preuss et al . and Greenberg and 
other similar systems lack this feature. 

Further improvements over the prior art include the 
general capacity and robustness of the given piece of 

10 information that can be inserted into media content with 
digital watermarks, described in Steganographic Method 
and Device and further modified here, versus "spread 
spectrum-only" methods. First, the spread spectrum 
technique described in US. Patent No. 5,319,735 Preuss 

15 et al. is limited to an encoding rate of 4.3 8-bit 

symbols per second within a digital audio signal. this 
is because of the nature of reliability requirements for 
spread spectrum systems. The methods described in this 
invention and those of the previous application, 

2 0 "Steganographic Method and Device," do not particularly 

adhere to the use of such spread spectrum techniques, 
thus removing such limitation. In the steganographic 
derived implementation the inventors have developed 
based on these filings, watermarks of approximately 
25 1,000 bytes (or lOOOx 8 bits) were encoded at a rate of 
more than 2 complete watermarks per second into the 
carrier signal . The carrier signal was a two channel 
(stereo) 16-bit, 44.1 Khz recording. The cited encoding 
rate is per channel. This has been successfully tested 

3 0 in a number of audio signals. While this capacity is 

likely to decrease by 50% or more as a result of future 
improvements to the security of the system, it should 
still far exceed the 4.3 symbols per second envisioned 
by Preuss et al . Second, the ability exists to recover 
3 5 the watermarked information with a sample of the overall 
piece of digitized content (that is, for instance, being 


WO 97/26733 


able to recover a watermark from just 10 seconds of a 3 
minute song, depending on the robustness or size of the 
data in a given watermark) instead of a full original. 
Third, the encoding process described in Steganographic 
5 Method and Device and further modified in this invention 
explicitly seeks to encode the information signal in 
such a way with the underlying content signal as to make 
destruction of the watermark cause destruction of the 
underlying signal. The prior art describes methods that 

10 confuse the outright destruction of the underlying 

content with "the level of difficulty" of removing or 
altering information signals that may destroy underlying 
content. This invention anticipates efforts that can be 
undertaken with software, such as Digidesign's Sound 

15 Designer II or Passport Design's Alchemy, which gives 
audio engineers (similar authoring software for video 
also exists, for instance, that sold by Avid Technology, 
and others as well as the large library of picture 
authoring tools) very precise control of digital 

20 signals, "embedded" or otherwise, that can be purely 
manipulated in the frequency domain. Such software 
provides for bandpass filtering and noise elimination 
options that may be directed at specific ranges of the 
frequency domain, a ripe method for attack in order to 

25 hamper recovery of watermark information encoded in 
specific frequency ranges. . 

Separating the decoder from the encoder can limit 
the ability to reverse the encoding process while 
providing a reliable method for third parties to be able 

30 to make attempts to screen their archives for 

watermarked content without being able to tamper with 
all of the actual watermarks. This can be further 
facilitated by placing separate signals in the content 
using the encoder, which signal the presence of a valid 

35 watermark, e.g. by providing a "public key accessible" 
watermark channel which contains information comprised 


WO 97/26733 


of a digitally signed digital notary registration of the 
watermark in the private channel, along with a checksum 
verifying the content stream. The checksum reflects the 
unique nature of the actual samples which contain the 
5 watermark in question, and therefore woyld p^g^de^a „ 
means to detect an attempt to graft a watermark lifted 
from one recording and placed into another recording in 
an attempt to deceive decoding software of the nature of 
the recording in question. During encoding, the encoder 

10 can leave room within the watermark for the checksum, 

and analyze the portion of the content stream which will 
contain the watermark in order to generate the checksum 
before the wu. earmark is encoded. Once the checksum is 
computed, the complete watermark certificate, which now 

15 contains the checksum, is signed and/or encrypted, which 
prevents modification of any portion of the certificate, 
including the checksum, and finally encoded into the 
stream. Thus, if it is somehow moved at a later time, 
that fact can be detected by decoders. Once the decoder 

20 functions are separate from the encoder, watermark 
decoding functionality could be embedded in several 
types of software including search agents, viruses, and 
automated archive scanners. Such software could then be 
used to screen files or search out files from archive 

25 which contain specific watermark information, types of 
watermarks, or lack watermarks. For instance, an online 
service could, as policy, refuse to archive any digital 
audio file whtcfr does not contain a valid watermark 
notarized by?a "trusted digital notary. It could then run 

30 automated software to continuously scan its archive for 
digital audio files which lack such watermarks, and 
erase them. 

Watermarks can be generated to contain information 
to be used in effecting software or content metering 
3 5 services. In order to accomplish this, the watermark 


WO 97/26733 PCTYUS97/00652 

would include various fields selected from the following 
information : 

title identification; 

unit measure; 
5 unit price; 

percentage transfer threshold at which liability is 
incurred to purchaser; 

percent of content transferred; 

authorized purchaser identification; 
10 seller account identification; 

payment means identification; 

digitally signed information from sender indicating 
percent of content transferred; and 

digitally signed information from receiver 

15 indicating percent of content received. 

These "metering" watermarks could be dependent on a near 
continuous exchange of information between the 
transmitter and receiver of the metered information in 
question. The idea is that both sides must agree to ■ what 

20 the watermark says, by digitally signing it. The sender 
agrees they have sent a certain amount of a certain 
title, for instance, and the receiver agrees they have 
received it, possibly incurring a liability to pay for 
the information once a certain threshold is passed. If 

25 the parties disagree, the transaction can be 

discontinued before such time. In addition, metering, 
watermarks could contain account information or other 
payment information which would facilitate the 

3 0 Watermarks can also be made to contain information 

pertaining to geographical or electronic distribution 
restrictions, or which contain information on where to 
locate other copies of this content, or similar content. 
For instance, a watermark might stipulate that a 

35 recording is for sale only in the United States, or that 
it is to be sold only to persons connecting to an online 


WO 97/26733 


distribution site from a certain set of internet domain 
names, like ".us" for United States, or " .ny" for New 
York. Further a watermark might contain one or more URLs 
describing online sites where similar content that the 
5 buyer of a, .giece of content might be interested in can 
be found. 

A digital notary could also be used in a more 
general way to register, time stamp and authenticate the 
information inside a watermark, which is referred to as 

10 the certificate. A digital notary processes a document 
which contains information and assigns to it a unique 
identification number which is a mathematical function 
of the contents of the document . The notary also 
generally includes a time stamp in the document along 

15 with the notary's own digital signature to verify the 
date and time it received and "notarized" the document. 
After being so notarized, the document cannot be altered 
in any way without voiding its mathematically computed 
signature. To further enhance trust in' such a system, 

2 0 the notary may publish in a public forum, such as a 
newspaper, which bears a verifiable date, the 
notarization signatures of all documents notarized on a 
given date. This process would significantly enhance 
the trust placed in a digital watermark extracted for 

25 the purpose of use in settling legal disputes over 
copyright ownership and infringement. 

Other "spread spectrum" techniques described in the 
art have predefined time stamps to serve the purpose of 
verifying the actual time a particular piece of content 

30 is being played by a broadcaster, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 
5,379,34 5 Greenberg, not the insertion and control of a 
copyright or similar information (such as distribution 
path, billing, metering) by the owner or publisher of 
the content. The Greenberg patent focuses almost 

35 exclusively on concerns of broadcasters, not content 
creators who deal with digitized media content when 


WO 97/26733 


distributing their copyrightable materials to unknown 
parties. The methods described are specific to spread 
spectrum insertion of signals as "segment timing marks" 
to make comparisons against a specific master of the 
5 underlying broadcast material-- again with the intention 
of specifying if the broadcast was made according to 
agreed terms with the advertisers. No provisions are 
made for stamping given audio signals or other digital 
signals with "purchaser 11 or publisher information to 
10 stamp the individual piece of content in a manner 

similar to the sales of physical media products (CDs , 
CD-ROMs, etc.) or other products in general (pizza 
delivery, direct mail purchases, etc.). In other words, 
" interval -defining signals," as described in the 
15 Greenberg patent, are important for verification of 

broadcasts of a time-based commodity like time and date- 
specific, reserved broadcast time, but . have - little use 
for individuals trying to specify distribution paths, 
pricing, or protect copyrights relating to given content 
2 0 which may be used repeatedly by consumers for many 
years. It would also lack any provisions for the 
"serialization" and identification of individual copies 
of media content as it can be distributed or exchanged 
on the Internet or in other on-line systems (via 
25 telephones, cables, or any other electronic transmission 
media) . Finally, the Greenberg patent ties itself 
specifically to broadcast infrastructure, with the 
described encoding occurring just before transmission of 
the content signal via analog or digital broadcast, and 
30 decoding occurring upon reception. 

While the discussion above has described the 
invention and its use within specific embodiments, it 
should be clear to those skilled in the art that 
numerous modifications may be made to the above without 
35 departing from the spirit of the invention, and that the 


WO 97/26733 PCTYUS97/00652 

scope of the above invention is to be limited only by 
the claims appended hereto. 


WO 97/26733 


What is Claimed : 

1 l. A method for using a computer to generate a 

2 random or pseudo random key for a digital watermark 

3 system wherein said random key includes: 

4 a random or pseudo random sequence of binary 

5 is and Os 

6 information describing the application of the 

7 random sequence to a stream of digitized samples wherein 

8 said information includes: 

9 at least one list of time delimiters 

10 describing segments of the stream; 

11 at least one list of frequency delimiters 

12 describing frequency bands to be included in watermark 

13 computations; and 

14 a signal encoding level; 

15 wherein the method comprises the 

16 step of receiving human interactive input information 

17 used to describe limits on where, at what level, and at 

18 what frequencies the random binary information of the 

19 random key is to be applied to the stream of digitized 
2 0 samples in encoding the digital watermark; 

21 wherein said human interactive input 

22 information comprises at least one of the following 

23 datum: 

24 a list of time delimiters; 

25 a list of frequency delimiters; and 

26 a signal encoding level . 

1 2. The method of claim 1 further comprising the 

2 step of selecting said stream of digitized samples from 

3 a list provided by a computer system. 

1 3 . The method of claim 2 further comprising the 

2 step of creating and displaying a graphical 

3 representation on the display device of the computer 


WO 97/26733 


4 system, wherein said graphical representation includes a 

5 time axis and a signal frequency axis. 

1 4. The method of claim 2 further comprising the 

2 step of creating and * displaying a graphical 

3 representation on the display device of the computer 

4 system, wherein said graphical representation includes a 

5 time axis and a signal amplitude axis. 

1 5. The method of claim 3 or 4 , further comprising 

2 the step of updating the graphical display to reflect 

3 receipt of new human interactive input information. 

1 6. The method of claim 5 further comprising the 

2 step of generating a random or pseudo random sequence of 

3 Is and Os. 

1 7. The method of claim 6 further comprising the 

2 step of storing input information in association with 

3 the random sequence of Is and Os as a single record in a 

4 database of such records. 

1 8 . The method of claim 7 wherein the record is 

2 encrypted using a pass phrase. 

1 9 . The method of claim 1 where the stream of 

2 digitized samples contains a digital audio recording. 

1 10. The method of claim 1 where the stream of 

2 digitized samples to be watermarked contains a digital 

3 video recording. 

1 11. The method of claim 6 wherein the process of 

2 generating the random sequence comprises the steps of: 


WO 97/26733 


3 (a) collecting a series of random bits 

4 derived from keyboard latency intervals in random 

5 typing; 

6 (b) processing the initial series of random 

7 bits through a secure one-way hash function; 

8 (c) using the results of one-way hash 

9 function to seed a block encryption cipher loop; 

10 (d) cycling through the block encryption 

11 loop, and extracting the least significant bit of each 

12 result after cycle; and 

13 (e) concatenating the block encryption output 

14 bits into the random key sequence 

1 12 . A method of encoding and decoding a digital 

2 watermark where the encoder and decoder are separate 

3 software applications or hardware devices. 

1 13. The method of claim 12 wherein the decoder 

2 functionality is embedded in a software search engine, 

3 word-wide web-crawler file scanning engine, intelligent 

4 agent, or a virus. 

1 14. The method of claim 12 wherein the decoder can 

2 access only a limited number of watermark channels, 

3 corresponding to public watermark keys, or any keys 

4 otherwise made available to said decoder. 

1 15. The method of claim 12 wherein the decoder is 

2 capable of detecting the presence of a valid watermark 

3 but not of accessing the information in the watermark. 

1 16. The method of claim 12 wherein the encoder 

2 places a separate signal, which does not interfere with 

3 the watermark, into a content stream, where said 

4 separate signal can indicate 


WO 97/26733 


5 watermark synchronization information, which helps 

6 locate watermarks in the content; and 

7 the presence of a valid watermark in the content . 

1 17. A method of using digital watermarks to convey 

2 information which is to be used for a content metering 

3 service, wherein said watermarks contain at least one of 

4 the following pieces of information: 

5 title identification; 

6 unit measure; 

7 unit price; 

8 . percentage transfer threshold at which liability is 

9 incurred to purchaser; 

10 percent of content transferred; 

11 authorized purchaser identification; 

12 seller account identification; 

13 payment means identification; 

14 digitally signed information from sender indicating 

15 percent of content transferred; and 

16 digitally signed information from receiver 

17 indicating percent of content received. 

1 18. A method of encoding digital watermarks which 

2 contain information pertaining to distribution 

3 restrictions and a location of an addressable directory 

4 containing related content, where said watermarks 

5 contain at least one of the following pieces of 

6 information: 

7 geographical constraints on distribution (state, 

8 country, etc) ; 

9 logical constraints on distribution; 

10 Universal Resource Locator (URL) ; 

11 telephone number; 

12 Internet Protocol address; 

13 Internet domain name; 

14 email address; and 


WO 97/26733 


15 file name. 

1 19. A method of encoding multiple digital 

2 watermarks into a single content stream wherein each 

3 watermark is encoded with a separate key. 

1 20. The method of claim 18 wherein watermark 

2 information from each watermark is interleaved in the 

3 time domain. 

1 21. A method of claim 18 wherein watermark 

2 information from each watermark is placed into specific 

3 frequency bands, or interleaved in the frequency domain. 

1 22. A method of associating with a pseudo-random 

2 key, a list of component function references, which 

3 dictate what component functions are applied to the 

4 encoding and decoding of a digital watermark using the 

5 key in question. 

1 23 . A method of providing synchronization of a 

2 decoder to watermark which consists of the following 

3 steps : 

4 a) recording a feature of sample stream, or a 

5 marker extracted from the sample stream immediately 

6 preceding the start of an encoded watermark; 

7 b) recording the order in which a list of markers 

8 was encountered in the sample stream ; 

9 c) storing a list of such markers and the order of 

10 their appearance in a file for use by the decoder; 

11 d > optionally, associating the stored information 

12 of step c) with a watermark key or watermark receipt or 

13 content title; 

14 e) in the decoder, selecting a marker from the file 

15 in step c) such that the selected marker is not previous 


WO 97/26733 


16 in order to any other marker previously selected in 

17 decoding the sample stream in question; 

18 f) attempting to find a feature or marker in the 

19 portion of the sample stream currently under processing; 

20 ^g) at such time as the currently selected marker is 

21 deemed unlikely to be found, discarding it and 

22 proceeding to step e) ; 

23 h) at such time as marker is found, decoding the 

24 watermark, then proceeding to step e) unless the sample 

25 stream is exhausted. 



International application No. 


IPC(6) :H04L 9/00 
US CL :380/20 

According to International Patent Classification (I PC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by class ificaLion symbols) 

U.S. : 380/20, 54 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched 

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 

Y, P 

US. A, 5,530.759 (BRAUDAWAY ET AL) 25 June 1996. see 
Figs. 1-2. 

1-11, 22 

| | Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. | | See patent family annex. 

" Special categories of cited documents: 

"A* document defining the general state of the art which is not considered 

to be of particular relevance 

"E* earlier document published oo or after the international filing date 

"L* document which may throw doubt* on priority claim(t> or which is 

cited to establish the publication dale of another c tuition or other 
special reason (as specified) 

*0* document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other 


" P* document published prior to the international filing date but later than 


later document published after the international filing date or priority 
date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand the 
principle or theory underlying the invention 

document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cmnnot be 
considered novel or cannot be considered u> involve an inventive step 
when the document b taken alone 

document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be 
considered to involve an inventive step when the document a 
combined with one or more other such documents, such combination 
being obvious to t person skilled in the art 

document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 
06 MAY 1997 

Date of mailing of the international search report 


Name and mailing address of the ISA/US 
Commissioner of Patenu and Trademarks 

Washington. D.C. 20231 
Facsimile No. (703) 305-3230 

AuU^rizcd officer ^^^^-yld<y&~- 
Telephone No. (703> 305-1837 

Form PCTVISA/210 (second sheet)(July 1992)* 


International application No. 

Box I Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 1 of first sheet) 

This international report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2)<a) for the following reasons: 

I. | | Claims N os.: ^ ■ , . ... * 

because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely: 

2. £^ Claims Nos.: 

because they relate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such 
an extent that no meaningful international search can be carried out, specifically: 

3. j^] Claims Nos.; 

because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6.4(a). 

Box II Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet) 

This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows: 
Please See Extra Sheet. 

1 \^ As aU required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all searchable 


aU searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying an additional fee, this Authority did not invite payment 
of any additional fee. 

3 - CI] As only some ofthc required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers 
only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos.: 

1 X] No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently, this international search report is 
restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos.: 
Ml and 22 

Remark on Protest Q The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest. 

| | No protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees. 

Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of first sheet(l))(July 1992)* 


International application No. 

This ISA found multiple inventions as follows: 

Group I, Claims 1-11, 22. drawn to an method of generating an encrypted digital watermark. 
Group II, Claims 12-21 and 23 method of making and using a digital watermark. 

The inventions listed as Groups Ml do not relate to a single inventive concept under PCT Rule 13.1 because under PCT 
Rule 13.2, they lack the same or corresponding technical features for the following Reasons: The invention of Group I 
lack the separate software, hardware devices or content monitoring. The invention of Group II lack the pseudo-Random 


Form PCT/ISA/210 (extra sheet)(July 1992)*